Saturday, June 13, 2009

Suang's Unilife of the first page

It's really freak me up!!!
I have got a nail polished with black color today!!!
is it an sign for the changing of my life?
Could it be?Can I?Do i deserve it??
I have been busying with the performance this few days
Those are my craziest days in UTAR so far..
"Melody ringing.."..(my DBSK "Proud" was ringing) is ching wei's name appeared on the screen who called me just to ask:
"Hey,u want to join the welcoming concert?"
"Of course I do!!!"
I accept his "invitation" without a second consideration..
I love perform.I love singing.This is all my friends know so that's why he called me..
However, it is really super weird when I first time appeal to the rehearsal
(rehearsal??!!i was kind of shock when i heard this while i have not been to the practice at least once)
The following rehearsals were done in the next two days..
Through the two-day time..i found that Utarian is actually not as bad as we thought before It was the welcoming concert that change my hindsight...perhaps forever..
There's good-looking guys in UTAR!!!
Those who playing band,singing,as well as one who dances awesomely..
Someone that you won't even notice generally is also quite attractive as well..
Thus,i think talented guys are always charming,agree?
Other than that,our "unimate" can do the bbox things,cool huh?
We can't find the treasure if we dont try to..
I was terribly,awfully tired this few days..
Keep skipping classes to do the rehearsal...
Hey,thats something i would like to mention here..
The concert would probably quite successful,perhaps..
but the rehearsal things,crews are so inefficiency..
I am not meant to criticize the groups...
But can u believe that the performers have to rehears twice in one day
and 2-3 hours per session
Besides,the time of rehears was always delayed and delayed..
Please,we are students but not idlers...
The shows were nice,like Myra and her friends
They are super sexy...singing pussycat dolls song if i am not mistaken..
UTAR has a lot of great singers as well...just waiting to show their talent to the public..
After the concert,i was having a sudden idea that i want to join the groups...
I meant the music lovers group...
They are rock and it is really a wonderful things when u met someone can share the same interest..and they are active unlike my housemates..
However to this socialize stuffs,it requires one thing:Fluency English!!!
University is not like secondary school..
We dont have enough time to attend the extracocurriculum..
But then it is a "need" to fulfill our uni life..
Just enjoy it beside having well result..
Dont make your certificate with blank in the activity column..
Yeah..i am thinking to join Yoga club,Dance club and Traveller's Den..hehe..
By the way...i seems like never talk about my group,choir..hehe
Hmm...i have no words to my choir actually..
we still need a lot of improvement and effort..
Choir Concert?It still leads to a long path to go...
All the best,choir..

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