Saturday, July 3, 2010

Today, I have decided to reblog, no matter how busy I am. I should not give up blogging here.
I wanted to blog about Auspicious Night yet I have no idea where I supposed to begin with.
As it is too long to say, too late to talk, to sweet to mention.
I love it.
I have never regretted to hold the post, honestly.
About seven months before, I have made a decision.
This decision has changed my life drastically and dramatically.
Sometimes, I want to ask the people who gave me this opportunity whether he is regret or not.
I always think that if I missed the opportunity to Sasanarakkha camp, my life will be totally different from now.
I might not be able to stay in Buddhist society so comfortably.
I might not be attending Dhamma class.
I might not be attending Yue Xin Yuan.
There are a lot of none in my life now where I have done it in the real world.
I love the life now.
I enjoy it...where I am now.
I have known a group of nice people at which I will appreciate what i have right now
I learned that we should appreciate everything we have now.
We should not have taken things granted.
Friends, appreciate what on your hand right now!!!
All the best!!

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