Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to the weird one

I have done another card for my dear friend yesterday, a good and improved record that I able finish it in two hours this time
It was the birthday of a photographing crazy fellow who I know in UTAR
I usually make card according to the taste or the hobby or the favourite of one (if I have time)
can you see the "Happy Birthday to u" in the lens?
When came to this crazy fellow, there was an image flashed on my mind that I am going to make him a "DSLR"
Thus I searched for the old photo from year one trimester one until today, just for his little tiny yet big DSLR and imitated it
His DSLR is SONY, yeah, I know
The most weird and funny card I have ever done
I made it 3D as well this time and it looked weird and funny
When I was annoyed with its really weird looking, a sudden comfort came to my brain again
Weird thing suits weird people
3D DSLR with its logo (and someone complaint the lens is too short)
Hence, I guessed he will like it and it will find a good owner who shared the same element with it
Which is weird...(wakaka...)

Happy Birthday to you, my best buddy!


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