Monday, October 11, 2010

I have eventually come back to my space after almost a week out from home, out from internet, out from the ritual space
I have had nice days and "busy" life this few days
I stayed at my sister's house for two days
I went to Kinokuniya to spend my free time
And I bought books after struggling for two days (again, I really couldn't help saving money) (T.T)
I participated hundred people choir performance in PGRM Cheras Maluri
I was one of them!!!
Which I think is a success and a hard work indeed
After standing the whole day(rehersal + performance), I rushed to Ampang Park
The night at Kuala Lumpur outdoor
where I tend to take my first last round LRT ( from Maluri to Masjid Jamek and changed PUTRA line to Ampang Park)
I went there for work in fact

Volunteers are having a brief introduction among themselves

Miss Yong and I with our NIKE tshirt
This time with our Baggage site tag
Allowance RM60 and the thing that attracted me is the NIKE Tshirt and it is also the one disappointed me deeply
I met Miss Yong and Ah Ba & his friend, Ah Ben there where we walked to our destination
We started our work at 6am when the marathon participants reached
By the way, Miss Yong and I in charged of baggage which also called bag keeper
Don't think it is easy. It is the busiest and the risky at which you must safeguard people belongings
Meanwhile, Ah Ba in charge of the road things
Oh, Malaysia is so small that we bumped into Eugene, my senior over there
He joked next time he might be meeting me at New Zealand
Then next time in lockup...==... that's it my days lately
The token of appreciation from NIKE...mine's one is the right hand side
Can you see the difference?

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