Tuesday, November 30, 2010



在没有办法避开它的时候,我们惟有面对它,接受它,处理它,放下它 (圣严法师)

Monday, November 29, 2010


耗子啊耗子 你怎么那么贪心
左拥而右抱 你之强烈企图心

耗子啊耗子 珍馐cheese尽摆眼前
然不满于其 而不住往外攀岩

耗子啊耗子 枉那老农予黍子
不食还推辞 农人赔黍又失计

耗子啊耗子 蚊虫自在飞于空
则一箭至之 粉了自由碎于空

耗子啊耗子 穿梭胡同惯于中
遇担则避之 总拥自由于怀中

耗子了汝心 耕耘还需那苦心
然还辜汝心 耗子一世愧于心

耗子了彼忧 受众推上未筑墙
然晓彼质优 方决推彼上城墙

余无让之费 必能完其还易举
余欲赠彼言 余必赴汤蹈火乎


Thursday, November 25, 2010







Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You raised me up

The song I would like to share this week is "You raised me up"
My friend extremely loves this song who set this as her ringtone from secondary school time until today
We always stand on others' foot in order to stand still
People raised us up in order to help us achieving our dream
However, sometimes we tend to neglect the one who raised us up after we success
We forgot their giving after we received all achievement
Our life, are just all about supporting each other
We lend our hand and leg to support others and at the same time we were stepping on others' leg and hand, as well as head to climb up and up
Some started to abandon the one one supported due to their incapable or low progress
However do you realise that you have invisibly lowered one's progress while you were standing on one's shoulder
Put aside when if your big project needs tremendous numbers of people to help you to achieve
See, you wished to build a mega building
You need workers. You got money from the consumers, you asked money from the citizen
You are standing on the people's head in order to build your pride
However when the people are down, do you borrow your shoulder for them to rest and stand still
At the end you lost the support from the people
Still, you can stand straight?
When you wish to hold an event you need your crew to help throwing it a success
Can you do it yourself without a single hand, leg, shoulder or even head?
Look, there are always a hand on hand world
Or a leg on shoulder society
There are always someone to hold you to support
Appreciate the one who support you
And support the one who were behind you
Pull them and make them stand still than others

Below is the lyric of the song~
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.

There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.

What I want to say~

I don't feel safe
I don't want to be
I have been listening the messages from my friends
"I think no one better than you to qualify the post"
"I don't see anyone is suitable for the post. Sure you liao!"
No, I don't see there is a must for me to take over the post
I just don't want
Ok I admit, I am highly interested in it yet my time just don't allow me to pursue my interest
Between I am not capable to accept the post
I am not good at all in linguistic

Another thing to clarify, my friends said I am good in terms of leadership
Yet I want to explain that I am just not the type who can lead people
I feared to order people thus I chose to do it myself all the time instead of leading people to do it
I am just not the type who can be leader
I am merely a follower who work according to people's order
I am just not what you guys think about
I dislike to be tied by burden, responsibility
I am just not suitable to be the one you all want
I have my right to choose what I want
Please, just let me
I do not want to bear the responsibility
Thanks for your offer...
And I am sorry~

Saturday, November 20, 2010

It is about life

This is my second time watching the video yet it is still bringing a great impact to me
I would like to recommend to you guys

The video is so relevant to our life
We are growing older and older everyday since we were given birth to the world
When we was born, we kept running and running to the end of our life
We were running to the grave eventually
We could not bring anything to our coffin after all
Thus what are we struggling for?
The most important is to appreciate every moment you are having
To enjoy everything you are doing
To understand every single action you are doing
Be mindfulness~
I found myself is in fact abnormal~
That's all~

Thursday, November 18, 2010


走走  停停  看看
然而 停是停了 但却不是享受的
为了不要让同学担忧  我左看了 右看了
我怕走在路上 朋友停下车 欲载我
对他们 这一趟是特地的  非顺路的
怕上了车 带给他们的是没有必要的麻烦
也为了不让他们尴尬又不方便 我快快地离开  默默地一个人走
在走的过程 却为了担忧遇到朋友
一点都不享受  一点都不自在
一直到欲走完整条路的尾端 遇到了一个跑步认识的uncle
uncle的寒暄 问候 关心 我的心刹间豁达了
原来有人向前关心 就算他不能载我回家
那一份关怀 是温暖的 是深入心头的
我  站在原地
忽然之间 发现这条路原来有那么漂亮的风景
原来之前一路走来 心都关起来了
打开心头的那扇门 让别人的关怀 让美丽的风景摄入你心里的展览厅
我不是专业的心理学家  我不过是新闻系的学生
我不会很专业地开导你  我却可以是很好的聆听者
心累了,欢迎你再来找我  我会默默地听

Tuesday, November 16, 2010




Monday, November 15, 2010

My 1st trip -To The Land of Smile Day 1

I took this in the bus to another building in airport
I admit, I am such like a froggie under the well. I have never been to land out of the Peninsular, even Singapore the nearest, or the East Malaysia. Ok, fine, I have admitted that I am a froggie above. Fine, I am an urban cow as well. 
Now that, I was given a chance to the land of smile, with fully subsidised by my sister.
My friend said that I went there blindly. As he asked me how much is the fare, I said I have no idea. He asked how much is your hotel, I replied him the same answer. Don't blame me as I am not the one who paid.
This was my first flight ticket~
Yet I can tell you now, the air fare is RM700+ per person and the accommodation costed my sister 90 US dollars for three nights
And, I myself had spent RM200 (2000baht) in Bangkok ( curiously why I spent that much with the sponsor of sister? I will reveal it in the following posts, stay tune)
It was Friday, also the Deepavali. 
Electronic ticket to Bangkok
Both Karen and I decided to spend our weekend in Bangkok
Let's talk how we decided
One day, Karen rang me up and said she wanted to fly (after a week back from Vietnam)
I was excited and said go lah go lah (as I know she is going to sponsor me)
Then a week before we departed, Karen rang me up again and confirmed with me whether I can go or not
We were initially want to go to Cambodia yet it was too expensive for two person ticket
I suggested Philippines where also one of the place I would like to visit for its art
It was expensive as well
At last but not the least, we chose Bangkok 
I know I am always the most well being one
Karen, who is working in the travel agent has friends/working partner in the transportation field which makes me able to travel in a Mercedes Benz to KLIA!
Mercedes Benz which brought us to KLIA
What the extravagance.
Along the path to KLIA, I was busy playing with my new lover- D3000
I snapped the driver, I captured the beautiful sky
The sky is blue. The cloud is pretty. That's why I love sky
I heard the conversation between Karen and the driver as well
Unintentionally, I heard the name of Rosmah!haha...
Karen asked him how's his work recently
The driver aka Karen's friend
He said he fetched Rosmah, Malaysia so called the first lady few days before
I have forgotten the comment he gave regarding her as I was impressed with the adjective he gave to the UxNo people
He said: Due to the election, there were quite many politicians who came to KL lately
He was once carried the UxNo politician who he described them as monkey. He told us that those people thought they can do whatever they like with government provided the car. They asked him to drive them to there, to here. Never know that government just provided the car to the particular location. 
Yeah, this is the government. This is the politician.
Our flight was at 3pm+. Thus we have our brunch in the airport and done some shopping(medicine) as well before on board
Around 4pm+(Thailand timezone), we reached the land
We breathed the air of Thai
Karen has called for car to our booked hotel when we got out from the flight
She said that this is much safer that they will not swindled us
She doesn't know that I have studied the travel guidebook she bought that there are other much cheaper transportation as well. Nevermind, she knew it two days later. At least, she will never repeat the same in the next visit to Bangkok.
This is the first time I see the city of Thailand
The city is huge, than KL a lot
It is developed, than what I expected before I was here
It is flourishing, more than KL do
I don't know why. I see the potential of it keeps booming rather than KL
Friends asked me why. I said I have idea yet I got this thinking when I glanced at this city
However, the traffic is suck
We were stucked in the highway for more than two hours
Yet my sight has never stopped
I kept watching the scenery outside of the window.
My eyes were rolling right and left, high and low, like the world is going to be shattered in the next single minute and I would never want to miss any single beautiful one before i died
I did learn thing. I found out that Thais are practising idolism
You can see every advertisement along the road with idol
Even though some are not the handsome idol, there sure be somebody, perhaps the marketing manager and so on
The Thai King
The most common to see is Thai King, always with the sentence : Long Live The King
I see their patriotic spirit in my first day in Thailand
Around 7pm, we reached our hotel- i Residence Hotel Sathorn
At there, I learned to speak Thank you in Thai- Khop Khun Ka
The receptionists in the front desk are friendly indeed
Though they don't speak well English (neither do I) but their effort in serving the customers the best has touched me
The beautiful receptionist
I like them, especially the pretty lady who always showed her shining beautiful smile to us who made me think that I didn't come to a wrong place
Another staff who brought our luggage and us to our room was extreme friendly that made us can't get used to it
See, human being are always like that. When people treated you bad, you complaint. When people treated you nice, you got other saying also.
Yet the guy has contributed us nice suggestion when we were thinking where to go
He instructed us to go Suan Lum Night Bazaar where has nice food and many things to buy
We were shocked when we got there
The bazaar is tremendous with more than hundred stalls selling various stuffs, ranged from the tidbits to the furniture
This is what we called capitalism. It isn't historical monument
but just merely the entrance to the night bazaar
Rational us, did not start our exploration but instead, we were searching for FOOD
We  were starving. Plus, I was craving for Thai tomyam for years(especially after seeing Wind senior's trip)
We found a food court then. Quite disappointed as it does not look like a local food court but somewhere has been packaged by the government for tourism purpose
We found western food, Italian food here which did not make our eyebrows raised
Luckily we found some stalls selling Thai food with the board showing the word "traditional Thai food"
You wouldn't be putting a paper written "I am a girl" on you unless you are not, i guessed
Nonetheless, without more choices given, we chose the most "looked-like" local stall and ordered the food
Of course we would not want to miss the tomyum kung
If you are interested in the the food, kindly visit my another blog for further information
The food did not disappoint us. Yummy yet cheap.
Just that the tomyam kung ain't spicy enough. This might because it is a tourist site and most of their travellers do not drink spicy
While waiting for the food to be served, I observed the people and the environment there
Cats are everywhere. I am pretty sure that my dear Miss Yong will loves Bangkok so much
Besides, it is also not hard to find that Thais loves cat
I see those big men hugging the little tiny cat in the food court
They didn't pretend I think when I saw their sight full with love

Those cats were so relax resting under two foreign couple desk.
(If you find  there are two Malaysians who named
Ax Yxng & xlwxxn, you better run as fast as you can, tiny)
We went for a walk after a satisfied meal(hey, this was our first meal in Bangkok)
Karen soon bought herself some accessories after a few minutes walking
We found uncountable lovely adornments here
I especially like the cute little monks patung but I just don't have enough budget to bring them back
I see Karen likes the Thinker statue as well as the fat ballerinas which are super cute
Helpless, I could not buy her as appreciation for her sponsor
This is the only lot selling CDs and others
We left after an hour and we promised ourselves that we will be back the night before leaving Bangkok
For your information, there is a bustling and live up street,especially at night, near to our stay place
The street lays in front of our hotel
Take a few steps walk and you will find it
We took some walk and did some photographing there before got back to hotel for our Thai massage
Nice food, nice people can be found here
It was 1am yet the street was full with people and FOOD
That night, I fall in sleep after a round of the relaxing massage service by the hotel Thai women
It costs 500 baht per person. And again, Karen paid for me. ^^
That's all my first day in Bangkok

Sunday, November 14, 2010




















麻姐姐最近购置了一架新的Canon EOS 60D,加上之前承诺要送麻雀一架作为2011的生日礼物




Friday, November 12, 2010

No No No!

YES! Eventually, I managed to say NO.
I did say this today. However, feeling of guilty raised soon after I rejected.
I know my ownself situation that I am recently too busy to do all things, especially that I still haven't touched on my C & C individual assignment yet when the submission time is the coming week!
I kept saying sorry to her but I din't volunteer myself to take it back as I don't see that I have the obligation to do that since there are so many people who can help out
I am sorry~
Nonetheless, I am proud of myself to pour out this word!
All the best, LEE PEI SUANG

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Monday, November 8, 2010

Check it up

I am currently in Bangkok, blogging
This is what i like to do...bloggin in a foreign country
We are going to leave this beatuful city tomorrow afternoon
I find it sad to leave as i haven't been to many places yet...
I promised myself I shall pay another visit to Bangkok next time
Ok...I got a message from the chief edita just now
He asked me to follow up Chloe's passing news
Honestly, I have no idea who is Chloe and have no idea what happen
Until when I opened my Facebook, I saw the wall
Full with the blessing from the Utarian to a girl who named Chloe
Who has passed away due to the serious collision happened last last Friday
It is coindent that I was the one who covered the accident
I was shocked and I told myself last time that I managed to face it
It is because no life involved in the accident(that time)
today i got the news
Seriously it brought me a big impact
this is my first time, and i hope it will be last
God bless you, chloe...
Rest in peace....

Monday, November 1, 2010


I have been so busy recently that I was hardly to blog...
This weekend was so incredible
My initial plan for Friday night is actually to start working out with the Adobe Premiere which I have just installed and have never touched it before
However when I was just about to open the software
I got a message from the chief editor
He told me to follow up with Amirah of a lightning strike news
I was so puzzled and replied him with a "o?"
He rang me up and asked me to cover the news and post it as the editors weren't in Kampar
I called CEO then and asked him to meet me at Amirah's friend(who kena lightning strike)'s house
Yet CEO told me there's an accident in front of Ah Ba's house and asked me to go the accident scene first as it is serious
I drove fast, hope that i can reach there as fast as possible to get 独家
When I was there, I rushed to the victims
There left the male victim
I could see his deep injuries on his leg, and he looked so suffering
I saw CEO was busy taking photo there that I decided to start my work
I asked people around whether there was any on the spot witness
I tried all ways I could
I asked uncle, I asked students, I asked the First Aid people
No one see the real happening
Suddenly, an uncle told me: " You go to ask the driver la, he is over there"
"He is the oldtown doctor" he added.
I quickly ran toward him without hesitated
I just pretending and stood beside him and asked: " Ei, what happen ah?"
He looked at me and said:"The motor overtook the car in front and didn't turn on the lights that I could not see him and we banged."
I saw his emotion was so helpless
Then a policeman approached him and I heard their conversation (I am not unethical but they spoke so loud until I can hear mah)
It is just the story he told me
When the policeman left, I approached him again and revealed to him that I am student journalist, want to ask more questions
I found he was shocked and started to stay far from me
He rejected my request and said" Let police to do the work. I don't want to say much before the report is lodged."
I could even see his diffident through his gesture and emotion
He don't even look at me
When everything were almost settled, CEO, Ah Wen and I decided to go police station for further information
As everything was so blur that the accident scene could not really match the explanation given by the driver
It even disappointed when we reached Police Station that we thought we can get more info which in return we got nothing
But something funny but impressed is my dear CEO revealed himself as the student representative when the policeman asked us
CEO, I am proud of you, seriously
We then went to hospital which I have never been before
The hospital location is so speechless dangerous, for me
We met the female victim's brother there in hospital and talked to them for a while then left
Hope you guys can recover fast...
Bless you!
By the way, this is my first time to cover accident news
Friends said that they found hard to see the accidents
Yet for me, I am not cold hearted or cold blooded but I still manage to face it ( couldn't imagine if there is someone died, how would I do)
I know this is life, we could not do much
What we can do is to face it
Then the next day, is another hard day
We went to UTAR to have our Creative Strategy video shooting
It was tiring and torturing yet fun
We spent one and the half days to do the shooting
I edited it straight after the shooting which spent me more than three hours to finish it
Thanks to those who help us to share and promote the video
Especially the chief editor. Thank you very much!!!!!
Here is it. Please view it in Youtube and share it~