Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Distance

I looked at the sky. It is high.
I looked at the mountain. It is tall.
I looked at the sea. It is deep.
I looked at you and me. It is far.
The height is higher than the sky.
The altitude is taller than any mountain.
The depth is deeper than any sea. Even deeper than Marina trench.
The distance is farther than the Arctic circle.
I could not reach you though you are just beside me.
I could not reach you though I can see you in Facebook.
The gap is harsh.
The door is locked.
The wall is bulky.
Still, I could not reach you though you are just beside me.
I chose to abnegate.
I chose to shout nothing and blame nothing.
I chose to return to where I from.
I am what I am. Then.
< The End>

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