Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pinky is dead!

Today, my camera is officially announced to dead
It is ridiculous and sarcastic when I suddenly flashback the words I said last week
I told Mr. Jool that Karen sister is going to present me a DSLR
And the arrogant me even said that I started to feel lazy to deal with my pinky Olympus
Then I really have been so lazy to raise my eyebrows towards her
Letting her on my table without any care until today when I was going to Ipoh
I took her along with me so that I can capture things I like
Unfortunately, when I took out my camera and intended to switch on
She started to shouted "bi bi bi", something sound like protesting to me
She refused to show me her face and kept shouting
To my dismay, I have to declare her death that moment
Then I started to feel like losing something important in my life when I could not take photo
I am sorry, Pinky, for abandoning for times~
Don't angry la wei...

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