Monday, May 3, 2010

A Special to cheer

Frankly, I am too lazy to drop here a post in the beginning yet I decided to at last. Why?As I think today is worth for me to blog in order to bear it in my mind.

Today is May, 3rd 2010. Nothing special about it what. Labours' Day has passed, no holiday somemore now is in the examination period. Mothers' Day is not here yet, supposed be next Sunday I think. However, it is special for people who concerned about the newspaper, the TV reporting, radio, the media. It is World Press Freedom Day. And the day Malaysia was stated as the 141th as the no press freedom country among 196 countries (Freedom House, 2010). (haha...Malaysia do better that it moved upward two steps to 141th than 143th last year)

When only Malaysia be a total expression and speech free country?
I saw a report in today. Its topic as Press freedom: Return of 'Mahathirism'? I was so interested in this article and so eager to click in to see. It is one of the scope of my Communication Theories paper and in addition I do like this topic. Disappointedly, it appeared with this page.

So sad I am not its subscriber.

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